Saturday, September 17, 2011

Response From Starz!

So on a whim I shot Starz an email and got a reponse!

You can write to Garrett at the following address:
Starz Entertainment
Attn: Garrett Kruithof/MagicCity
C/O Viewer Relations
8900 Liberty Circle
Englewood, CO  80112

While they said "Wish I could make some sort of promise as to how the wonderful correspondence will be fulfilled, but I cannot give any such assurance though rest assured your interest and passion in the show is matched here by us all. Will also see if someone can get back to you on the pronunciation" I hold out hope I'll get something great to share with all of you!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pictures or Information Please!

I always thought it would be cool to start a fan club or fan page for someone and to be the first, When I saw Garrett Kruithof as a greasy mechanic on Memphis Beat I thought his voice was so sexy that maybe he could be the one! I would love for anyone who knows him or has pictures of them with him, especially other actors on a set or on the red carpet to send them to me so I can post them here. In the mean time I may screen capture some off the net. Anyone who wants to help me with this project I think it would be fun!
